Canon Collins Trust in partnership with Tom Queba Memorial Fund and Pegasys invites applications for scholarships for Honours and Masters study at South African universities in 2025. The scholarship will provide funding for up to a maximum of two years and an opportunity to enhance your academic and leadership skills through organised events.
The overriding requirement of the scholarship is that the proposed study contributes directly to social and/or environmental development, and particularly to the betterment of lives and livelihoods of the poorest people in South Africa.
Areas of Studies
The Tom Queba Memorial Fund and Pegasys will award scholarships for social change within the following areas:
Humanities and the Arts
Sciences and applied sciences
Scholarship Funding and benefits
In 2025, the value of the scholarship package is R85,000. Funding will be provided for up to a maximum of two years. The scholarship supports both full and part-time study and will consider applications from those who wish to study by distance learning.
Awardees will also get the chance to attend an annual conference of current scholars, several other smaller events throughout the year.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
be a black African or coloured South African national, normally residing in, South Africa
be in possession of a good first degree (minimum second class, upper division or equivalent) or about to graduate in the year of application
be studying or applying to study at Honours or Masters level at a South African university.
Application Procedure
Eligible qualified candidates are invited to apply online through the online application portal.
All applicants are required to upload the following supporting documentation:
Copy of degree certificates, if available
Certified academic transcripts
ID document (the following are acceptable: passport, birth certificate, driver’s license)
You may also need to submit:
Proof of refugee status, if applicable
Two recent payslips, if currently employed
PhD proposal if applicable.
➢ NOTE: You must apply to the universities you wish to study at for a place on your chosen course(s). If you are offered a scholarship but fail to get a place in a course, the offer will be withdrawn.
➢ Application Deadline: 22 July 2024
➢ For further info, download (Guidelines PDF)