Applications open. If you are in your final year of school and planning to enrol at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland in 2025, you may be eligible for a scholarship regardless of your background or where you live.
Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland offers several hundred scholarships every year to new students embarking on undergraduate study or planning to enroll in their first year.
List of available scholarships
Rewards exceptional academic performance combined with outstanding sporting, artistic, cultural and/or leadership achievements.
Recognises exceptional academic success from Māori tauira who have either engaged in Te Ao Māori, their community, the arts or played a leadership role in sports or cultural contexts.
Recognises students with Pacific heritage, who have excellent academic records and active participation in community, cultural and other activities.
Supports students demonstrating academic achievement (taking into account a number of factors that can impact on an individual's ability to participate fully at university).
To recognise Māori tauira potential who have strong engagement in either Te Ao Māori, their community, the arts or played an exceptional leadership role in sports or cultural contexts, as well as demonstrating academic ability.
To recognize indigenous Pacific students who have strong engagement with their school and community, or the arts, or played an exceptional leadership role in sports or cultural contexts, as well as demonstrating academic ability.
Important Dates to keep in mind
29 May 2024: Online applications open.
Early June 2024: Start preparing your application, focusing on leadership experience, academic, sports, or arts achievements, and community recognition.
25 June 2024: Join the online Information Evening.
July/Early August 2024: Decide on and confirm your endorser.
Mid-August 2024: Follow up with your endorser and aim to submit your application at least one week before the closing date.
21 August 2024: Applications close at 11.59pm.
Late August: Online applications for specific subject scholarships open.
September: Applications reviewed by a Selection Committee.
Early October: Expect to receive the outcome of your application.
October: You must accept this offer within two weeks.
10th October: Subject-specific scholarship applications close.
January: Scholarship eligibility confirmed with the release of NCEA, CIE, IB results.
February: Scholarship payments commence.
Application Guide
1). Before you start your scholarship application, you will need to apply for admission to at least one programme at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. You can add more or change your chosen programme later, if you aren't sure yet what you want to enrol in for 2025.
2). About 24 hours after you've completed your application for admission, you should be able to access the scholarships application system Community Force. You only need to complete one form and chose One scholarship you want to be considered for.
3). As part of your application you also need to
apply for accommodation at the University of Auckland.
Selection Criteria
• Academic achievement is a critical factor in these scholarships, and each scholarship has different academic requirements outlined in their regulations.
• Your eligibility will be based on your academic achievements in Year 12 for NCEA and CIE students. If you’re an IB student, they'll ask your school for your predicted grade.
• You will be asked about your achievements in academic, cultural, sports, and arts fields, your leadership experience, and community and personal development activities.
• You will be asked about your achievements in academic, cultural, sports, and arts fields, your leadership experience, and community and personal development activities.
• Your school endorser will be asked to confirm the information you supply in the Tell us about you and My Achievements sections, so you'll need to make sure you include everything before you request the endorsement.
• It is highly recommended to read this guide:
• official website of: